Improving the lives of Mayan women

Many indigenous Mayan families live in conditions of poverty and extreme poverty. ADAM implemented a project to strengthen resilience and improve the living conditions of two impoverished indigenous communities in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala.

In Huitan, Mayan women found their lives so challenging that they organized a cooperative named ADSEMI to undertake economic initiatives. With ADAM’s support, they learned business skills and began raising pigs to generate income.

In Cabrican, levels of child malnutrition are among the highest in Guatemala. Thirty-six percent of children under one year of age suffer from chronic malnutrition, rising to a shocking 61% for children aged one to two years. ADAM collaborated with the Health Unit of the Ministry of Health to improve care for pregnant women and address malnutrition among children. ADAM provided medicines and nutritional supplements to the Health Unit for families, taught participants to establish family gardens for food, assisted in building latrines, and provided supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic. These initiatives brought positive changes to the lives of participants.

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