Changing Lives

Rural Nicaraguan families living in poverty face numerous challenges: food insecurity, poor housing conditions, lack of sanitation facilities, and limited opportunities to improve their lives. Often overlooked by local and national governments, these families lack a voice.

With support from Kenoli and assistance from ODESAR, impoverished families in 12 rural villages in Esquipulas, Matagalpa, are addressing these challenges head-on! ODESAR’s comprehensive program includes training and support in organic agriculture, nutrition, advocacy, home improvements, hygiene and sanitation, gender relations, youth empowerment, entrepreneurial skills, and early childhood development.

Communities have learned to cultivate their own organic food and can sell surplus produce. Empowered women from these communities have advocated before the municipality, resulting in the approval of various projects such as road construction for better community access, provision of electricity, and improved drinking water. These changes have significantly enhanced their quality of life and, more importantly, empowered families to make their voices heard!

ODESAR has also focused on early childhood development, improving the lives of children aged 0 to 5 years. Consequently, children are healthier and benefiting from early childhood stimulation.


bookmark_flower These achievements are substantial! Congratulations, ODESAR, for changing lives!
