Transforming the Lives of Women and Children Living in Poverty

The lives of impoverished women and children in the five rural communities of Nindirí, Masaya, have been transformed thanks to CEPROSI! Now, women and their families in these communities are healthier, eating better, and feeling more empowered. This transformation marks a remarkable success!

Women and their children no longer breathe smoke from open fires, as they now cook on improved stoves. They have established organic vegetable gardens, built water collection pilas, tested simple irrigation systems, and developed worm composts. Women have learned to cook nutritious meals using local foods. Some families are raising chickens, goats, and pigs for food sources. Children have benefited from cereals and nutritious meals prepared by their mothers, resulting in improved weight and height. Additionally, children have participated in early childhood stimulation sessions.

Women have also made significant improvements to their homes, such as protecting their drinking water, building cupboards for hygienic dish storage, constructing latrines and toilets, and enhancing floors and walls. Furthermore, women have initiated micro-businesses, generating income to better meet their families’ needs. Gender training has promoted harmonious gender relations, healthy masculinities, and leadership skills among women.

bookmark_flower  The CEPROSI women have transformed the communities in which they live. We are very proud of you. Congratulations to all!
